Dear Bloggie,
Berzaman yang sudah, saya telah di'tag' oleh si cantek manis,.Redia Redzuan. Tetapi, baru sekarang tag ini dilaksanakan...Sorry Darl~ngeh ngeh ngeh...(^_^) Okeyh jom layan~
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Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 100 Truths about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
1. Last beverage: Plain water aka skyjuice aka air kosong...ini yang paling pure kot..bersih sket tekak nih~hehe!
2. Last phone call: That naughty boy,Mr.R..Nak hantar report, "Morning~I dah bangun...!"
4. Last song you listened to: "Just gonna stand there and watch me burn, but that's alright because I like the way it hurts..."- Love the way you lie by Eminem ft Rihanna.
5. Last time you cried: Seriously xingat...Last winter ke?Sebab jari saya tersepit and ter'scratch' kat bucu peti sejuk and kulit tecabut.Eh x, saya cabut. Dah lame xluke, bile luke sikit tengok darah xbenti2, mule freak out and tibe2 rase sakit (psychology..haha!) ade parut lagi nih (*-*,) eh malu ok, ape punye soalan la nih...imej betul laa~haha!
6. Dated someone twice: Make it clear please,..?xpaham la xpaham....haha ;)
7. Been cheated on: Biase la adat dunia~ =)
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: Eh ape soalan kiss2 ni?..selalu ok kiss ibu...oh rindunye~!\\(^_^)//
9. Lost someone special: Hurm,..ramai sgt yg special dlm hidup saya nih..mane satu u nak?hehehee. Saya hilang sorang kawan yg special, Ali Khalid Kamarudin, Semoga awak tenang kat sana...Al-Fatihah... [regret sangat sebab saya xdapat nak temankan dia, not the way he did to me when I was down hurted a long long time ago... (!_!)]
10. Been depressed: Sejak masuk ADP (American Degree Programme),depress je memanjang..tekanan nak keja standard A 93 tu, cutoff point JPA lagi,.bila tertekan, naek pulak pimple. Ok, jadi makin tertekannn~urgh!
11. Been drunk and threw up: Dont feel like any... Busuk la ~OH nih!
12.Peach - Very soft and eye-catcher =)
13. Light Pink - So cheerful and make me blooming~
14.White - Soooo pure and 'clean' !